and Library


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an e-book from your manuscript

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your e-book through libraries

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your work in an annual contest

octopus is a suite of resources - available to everyone in Illinois at no charge - that supports local authors with online creation and publishing tools and allows readers to access locally-produced content.

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Recent Additions to Indie Illinois

Support Local Authors

  • Give local authors and creators an outlet to format and publish their books.
  • Provide access to self-published materials by local authors.
  • Support your library's writing groups.
  • Enhance your library's programs and author events.
  • Create shared reading and writing experiences in the classroom.
  • Enable open educational resource (OER) creation.
  • Curate community collections using the Creator module (available at a discounted price for RAILS members).

Promote E-Books to Patrons

Your library visitors have access to collections of independently published e-books by Illinois authors. There is no fee to your library or patrons.

Find Out More

For additional information and resources for promoting authoring tools and e-books, see the Libraries page.