Share Your E-Book

Once you have created and formatted your e-book through Pressbooks, it's ready to share with readers. You can share your e-book for no charge by submitting your work for potential inclusion in:

Submitting Your E-Book

Submissions must be in EPUB or PDF file format. After you upload your e-book to Indie Illinois, it is reviewed to ensure that it is technically sound and does not infringe on copyrights. This initial review takes a few days. Your e-book will appear then in Indie Illinois, a statewide collection promoting independently-published local authors.

Adult or young adult fiction titles are also automatically submitted to the Library Journal review process for potential inclusion in the Indie Author Project Select collection. E-books in the Indie Author Project Select collection are available to libraries across the country. They can potentially be added to other library e-content platforms, such as Axis 360, cloudLibrary, and OverDrive, and may earn royalties. You may opt out of this collection. You will be notified if your e-book has been chosen as an Indie Author Project Selection within 4-6 weeks.

Submit Your E-Book

Indie Author Project for Authors from BiblioBoard Library on Vimeo.

You may also enter your e-book in the Soon To Be Famous Illinois Author Project. Illinois was the first state to debut a contest for self-published authors, which has since gone nationwide.

Why Share with

  • It’s free to anyone in Illinois as a service provided by RAILS.
  • Your e-book gains a wider audience.
  • You can share your e-book in the Library or you can share it independently.